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These features will allow you to obtain an unofficial credit evaluation to assist you in your course planning.

These systems are designed for students who want to know how courses will transfer to The University of Iowa.

UI Search
Use this search utility to find courses at non-UI institutions that will transfer to the UI.

Transfer Institution Search
Use this search utility to show transfer course(s) accepted by UI college(s).

The tables include transfer course equivalencies for commonly transferred courses offered at other Iowa institutions and our major feeder out-of state transfer colleges. For courses not included in the guide, evaluations will be completed at the time of admission to Iowa.

This is an unofficial evaluation and information is updated periodically. Information about transfer admission requirements as well as transfer credit policies can be found on the Office of Admissions web site.


See how your classes would transfer to the University of Iowa using Transferology. Transferology is a nation-wide network designed to help students explore their college transfer options. After adding your courses to Transferology you will be able see how what you have taken applies to the University of Iowa and the degree requirements they satisfy.

Looking to take some courses over the summer or during the semester at another institution? Use the "Find a Replacement Course" feature within Transferology to determine if the credit will transfer back to the University of Iowa.

Start using Transferology today, and explore your options.