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This is a test instance of MyUI. Production MyUI can be found at MyUI
  • Enhanced Guest Accounts

    An enhanced Guest Account experience is now available on MyUI. Information regarding these changes was emailed to all current students. Please review your University email for additional details.

  • Important Announcement Concerning Undergraduate Registration

    • As you plan your future course schedule, keep in mind that you must have completed (or be currently enrolled) in a course's listed prerequisites in order to add that course
    • If you try to add a course and you have not successfully completed its prerequisites (or if the prerequisites are not on your student record as "in progress" or "IP"), you will be blocked from adding that course
    • Questions?  Visit this Q & A page.
  • Reminder:   If you want to add, section change, or hour change and MyUI is closed, please use the following form and return the signed form to the UI Service Center.

  • The Registrar's website has links to: 

  • Degree Audit Update: Completed Courses and Current Registration

    If you have completed an off-cycle course during the current session and the course has a grade that has been approved and is final, the degree audit will differentiate current session courses that have been completed from those that are still in progress.

    For more information, click here.

  • Advising Appointment Scheduler

    • To use the scheduler, you must have a program of study (major) and a specific academic advisor.  Contact your advisor directly if they do not use the scheduler.  Be sure to do this well in advance of your registration date.
    • Your advisor information, if applicable, can be found at Student Information > Program of Study and Advisors or at the Academic Advising Center.
    • The scheduler can be found at Student Information > Advising > My Appointments > Schedule a New Appointment.
  • Looking to take a course over the summer or during the semester at another institution?

    • Use the “Find a Replacement Course” feature within Transferology to determine if the credit will transfer back to the University of Iowa. Start using Transferology today, and explore your options.
    • Questions?  Please call Admissions at 319-335-3847
  • Register your eligible work, volunteer, or internship experiences for transcript notation.